Ancient Jewish—Christian Dialogues (2004)
William Varner
Kyrios Christos
Wilhelm Bousset
The Christocentric Cosmology of St. Maximus
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen
The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria
Stephen Hill
Chalcedon in Context
Richard Price
Great High Priest
Margaret Barker
When the Church Was Young
Marcellino D'Ambrosio
Christology and Eucharist in the Early Thought of Cyril of Alexandria
Lawrence J Welch
St. Athanasius
Khaled Anatolios
Free Choice in St. Maximus the Confessor
Joseph P Farrell
St. Gregory the Great (2006)
John Moorhead
Early Christian Doctrines
JND Kelly
The Dyophysite Christology of Cyril of Alexandria
Hans Van Loon
A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics
Gerard Vallee